Quick Reminders
Monthly Township meetings 1st Tuesday of the month 7:00 PM at the Township Hall
Sign up to be an election judge! Contact FrenchLakeTwpClerk@outlook.com to get started.
Ready for Snow Plow Season?
French Lake Township Notice of Snow Plow Service
French Lake Township residents are encouraged to sign up for snow plow service for the duration of the season. Snow plowing is available to residents of French Lake Township for the 2024/2025 season payable by October 31st, 2024 for $200 for the season. Reminder: Please have tree limbs near your driveway trimmed back before snow flies, or we will not be able to plow your driveway. We require 14’ of height clearance. If you haven’t had the township snow plow previously, please email the clerk to have the township inspect your driveway for feasibility before sending in your payment. All plowing is at the discretion of the French Lake Township Board.
Please mail your check to “French Lake Township” with the address to be snow plowed to the Township Clerk. If you would like to confirm receipt, please contact 5 days after mailing: French Lake Township Clerk, email FrenchLakeTwpClerk@outlook.com.
Please include check & send to: Name: _____________________________________________
ATTN: French Lake Township Clerk Phone Number: _______________________________________
3133 County Road 3 NW Address to be plowed_________________________________
Annandale, MN 55302 ____________________________________________________
Junk Amnesty Date Set
French Lake Township Residents:
Junk Amnesty: June 8th, 2024 8:00 AM TO NOON
Located at the French Lake Township Hall: 3133 County Road 3 NW, Annandale, MN 55302
$25/ Pickup Load or equivalent, plus additional charges for items in chart to right. *Surcharges Subject to Township Discretion*
WILL NOT ACCEPT: Gas/Ammonia RV Appliances, Paint,
Hazardous Material, Garbage, Motor Oil, Brush, Concrete, Lumber
Please note: This service is for French Lake residents only
Roads are scheduled to be sprayed in late May/early June. The policy is for a minimum of 100 feet of road, with the first 50 feet being paid for by the township and the remaining balance to be paid for by the resident. The cost this year is $0.75 cents/ft after the first 50 feet. For example, 100 feet of sprayed road will cost $37.50 for the resident, while 200 feet will cost $112.50. Please mail your check with the below information slip to the Township by May 20th, 2023 and clearly mark off the distance to be sprayed using flags or paint. Contact French Lake Township Clerk at FrenchLakeTwpClerk@outlook.com.
Please include check & send to: Name: _____________________________________________
ATTN: French Lake Township Clerk Phone Number: _______________________________________ 3133 County Road 3 NW Address to be sprayed:_________________________________
Annandale, MN 55302 ____________________________________________________
# Feet to be spayed: ___________________________________